Congratulations! You can be assured the device you have purchased is the TOPDON official version.
Please enter your device serial number.
Sorry, no records were found for your search. Please contact web online service for further assistance.
Q: How to find my serial number?
A: Find the code sticker on the back/side of the device.
Q: There is no serial number on my device. Does this mean it is not a genuine product?
A: If there is no serial number on the device, your product cannot be verified. This does not mean that the product is counterfeit. We promise that all the products purchased through our Authorized Retailers or Distributors and Online Channels are genuine. Feel free to contact us via Topdon web online chat if you need assistance.
Q: I entered my SN for verification, but no record was found, what should I do?
A: Please contact our Topdon web online chat for further assistance.